Introduction to Forest in India

Introduction to Forest in India

Total geographical area of India is 32, 80,500 sq. km (328.8M ha)

Total forest area 7, 50,500.00 sq. km (75.06 M ha)

Agricultural area is about 46.4%

The second National Forest Policy was enunciated (decided) in 1952 as per which 33.33% of land should be under forest for proper ecological balance. In hills 60% area should be covered under tree cover. During last tow decades 2 million ha forest was diverted for non-forest purpose, Agro-industry, power and irrigation projects, housing etc. Government has enacted the Forest Conservation Act. 1980 to ensure that no reserve forest can be diverted to any other type of forest and that no forest and that no forest land can be used for any non forest purpose.

Out of total area under forest, 45.6 million ha (60%) area is in use and another 14.8 million ha (20%) area potentially exploited and remaining unexploited area as on Himalayan states, North Eastern regions and Andaman Nicobar islands.

Sources of energy consumption in India are: Coal, 16.5% Oil 10.0% Electricity 15.7% wood 37.6% Cowdung 8.7% and Vegetation waste 11.5%


The wood is derived from the Latin word “Eairs” means “outside’ Therefore forests are areas covering practically all uncultivated or untended lands covered with rather tall and dense tree growth.

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